Week 624-625 - Favorite Photos #23 Haines, Alaska - 08-05-2018

Favorite Photos #23 Haines, Alaska

We have been on 7 different ferries. None have the beauty of the trip from Skagway to Haines, Alaska.

Reaching Haines you have arrived at the world's largest gathering of bald eagles.

The 48,000 acre Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve is home to 200 to 400 eagles throughout the year.

During the fall after eagles raise their young, as many as 3,000 eagles have been counted.

Cruise ships visit Haines to allow guests to enjoy Haines and the eagle preserve.

Is this not a picture puzzle box cover?

These two birds watch over the harbor.

We never went to the eagle preserve. We saw dozens of eagles in and around Haines.

More post card photos of the harbor.

Heading north out of Haines on the way to Haines Junction, Yukon.

A glacial river meanders along the highway.

Truly, does a road trip get any better than this?

You reach the elevation of 3,510 ft at the Haines Highway Summit between Haines Alaska and Haines Junction, Yukon.

As we review these photos from 2009 we are just in awe of God's creation. And thankful for the roads man has built that allow us to enjoy this beauty.

With love, Pete, Ellen and Mandy

P.S. We never digitally modify our Favorite Photo Collections. We want you to see the world just as God created it and how you will see it when you travel.

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