Week 829 - Tripping Over Idaho - 07-03-2022

Tripping Over Idaho

We left Pony, Montana and got on our horses headed to Idaho.

Our goal this week after visiting Pete's brother Mike, was to visit Ellen's brother Larry.

The landscape of our last day in Montana did not disappoint.

We set our sights on Lolo Hot Springs resort. They have housing, an RV park and hot springs. The RV park was reasonably priced, but we inspected first. Due to recent rain, all the sites were wet and muddy, so we passed and moved on to Idaho.

Just a hundred feet into Idaho is the Lolo Pass Visitor Center. Clean, dry and free! We parked for the night.

The squirrels were out in full force. Mandy, in her golden years of almost 11, jumped out of the MotherShip and chased all the squirrels. In between chases, she played possum to wait for the next run.

This squirrel, not Mandy's friend, became lunch for this wolf or coyote who trotted right past the MotherShip.

The next day we descended 99 miles to Kooskia, Idaho. Great MPG and we followed rivers all the way: Crooked Fork, Lochsa, Middle Fork Clearwater and Clearwater.

99 miles of twists and turns are just what the bikers ordered.

The deer appeared at several places along Hwy 12. They ran as we approached. Donnalee followed behind us and most likely is seeing these for the first time as you are.

The most beautiful drives we encounter are always along the rivers. After a few dozen miles you get numbed to the beauty and pine for a meadow!

This was a different look. We pulled over for a break and landed at a butterfly B&B. There were hundreds of these guys taking a break in their migration.

The Lochsa River around the halfway point to Kooskia.

These velvet covered rocks adorn the Clearwater River.

Arriving at Kooskia, we pulled into the watercraft inspection station. With limited overnight parking, the "inspector" lady recommended we park across the street from her house. The Kooskia City Park is lovely. Free, shady and tons of grass for Mandy and Tux (Donnalee's cat).

Moving west to Lewiston, Idaho, you are presented with another 70 miles of the Clearwater River. The Clearwater merges with the Snake River at Lewiston.

Donnalee's big trip with us is over in Idaho. Lewiston Elks is our last stay before Donnalee's splits off to head to Oregon and California. The Lewiston Elks is a great site. This is our view of the Snake River out the front window of the MotherShip. Pete was able to have dinner with Greg, the girls basketball coach from North County Christian in Atascadero 2002-2006. Pete learned more from Greg than his previous 12 years of coaching girls. Greg is now a teacher and coach in Lewiston. Always great to catch up with long time friends.

The Lewiston Hill Overlook. Left: Clearwater River and Lewiston, Idaho. Right: Snake River and Clarkston, Washington. Foreground: The Old Spiral Highway. This 7 mile drives takes 20 minutes to coast down, passing homes and ranches as you go, simply beautiful.

Donnalee and Pete saying their final goodbyes, for now. What a wonderful two-month RV trip through gorgeous venues. Family, fellowship, games, laughter and praise to God for this time together.

"For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways" Psalms 91:11

As Donnalee heads to Joseph, Oregon, we make our way to Indian Valley, Idaho. Hwy 95 starts off as a twisty road through the forest. Then, all of a sudden, you land on open prairies and meadows. The road straightens and farm and ranches are prevalent. "Pass the mustard?" We did and it was so pretty.

Reaching the White Bird Summit, the MotherShip needed a rest before the descending. You can a great view of the Old Hwy 95 as it winds its way through up the hills.

The incline takes you down an 11.6 miles, 5 percent grade. At 20 mph (2nd gear) is takes about 30 minutes to reach the Salmon River. Fortunately, traffic was light and cars were easily able to pass. If not, we probably would have pulling a 30 car "train".

Leveling out again, you reach New Meadows, a city out in the country. Still diesel prices were in line with the larger communities. Nevertheless, we paid $5.99 per gallon. Previous to this trip, we never paid more that $200 for a fill-up. Thanks a lot Putin (ha, ha, ha).

This was our third visit to Larry's 200 acre Texas Long Horn ranch. A relaxing visit with Larry and Judy. Great meals and a time to catch up. Larry helped Pete with the ScooterShip lift and Pete helped Larry with his email account. Judy and Ellen kept the socials events in order.

Indian Valley is a huge area for hay production.

And they have a little dust too. It took only a 1/2 mile of dirt road to get a good coating.

We are off to Bend, Oregon to spend 10 days playing pickleball with friends from Tucson, Arizona.

With love, Pete, Ellen and Mandy

Photos from June 2022

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