Week 777-778 - Living the Dream - 07-11-2021
Living the Dream
When people learn that we live full time in the MotherShip, we are often asked "
how long have you traveled?".
We are in our 16th year." "
Wow, you are Living the Dream!".
God has totally blessed us, no doubt. "
What's your favorite place?" "
The people, their life and story."
Visiting someone in an RV is the best. You are totally at your home with all the comforts.
We have stayed at over 50 people's homes.
You can visit as you desire and still have
alone time.
Our visit this week was at a private 3,800 acre ranch north of San Antonio Lake.
Pete's sister Donnalee also came in her motorhome.

It is every parent's dream that their daughters marry a man that truly loves them and will care for them all their life. Our dream began in 2008 when Emily married Chad. This week our dream was complete!

Weddings are always delightful. You come to the ceremony and spend a few hours celebrating the bride and groom.
But when you get to spend two days with the couple on a private ranch, you are "Living the Dream."
We arrived at the Patterson Ranch on Friday morning. While there was some preparation for the wedding, M&M did not want to be overwhelmed with protocol. They just wanted their family and friends to celebrate with them.
Friday evening was an event for the wedding party at Villa San Juliette Winery.
We were honored to share the evening with Mario's parents Anthony and Maria.
We couldn't ask for more lovely in-laws.

There were hors d'oeuvres, a couple of quick toasts, great wines and a fabulous dinner.
Rehearsal was easy as M&M said "you know the drill!".

Saturday morning at the ranch. Nothing says "I love you" more than a skeet shoot.
A lot of gun fire and a few dead clay pigeons. Zeb with guidance from his dad Chad, nailed a pigeon on his first shot. Melissa had shot once before and proceeded to hit 4 for 4! Note to Mario, "never make her mad."
Truly, this was a Shot Gun wedding!

The whole day was spent enjoying the couple and those in the other half dozen RV's that came early.
It is time for the ceremony. The "church" is ready and everyone came with anticipation.

Dress was casual and formal clothes were not mandatory.
However, Melissa's grammer school friends just couldn't help but dress up.
Jocelyn (1st grade) and Sarah (3rd) were not just friends then but have remained close ever since.
Proud dad is much happier than the 100+ degree heat indicated.

Officiate David did the honors. Vows were short and simple but still managed to bring tears.

David completed the ceremony announcing M&M as man and wife.

"You may kiss the bride".

Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Mario and Melissa Guerra.

We could not be happier joining with Mario and his family.

Food, fun and music began the evening and continued until after dark.

Dad with the beautiful bride. Combing the hair was also not mandatory.

Celebration and no formality was the order of the day.
No cake, no garter, no bouquet throwing, no speeches, no father/daughter dance. Nothing but celebrate.
Pete, obviously, did not get the message and couldn't resist dancing with the most beautiful girl on the ranch. Mario did not mind ...

... as he thought, "have your dance, Dad", because from now on she's all mine.

And we love that.

The Mexican entrees and fellowship were enjoyed by all.

Melissa and the girls kicking it up with some line dancing.
Dancing went on through the night.
Slowly friends peeled off and headed home, leaving the parents, relatives and friends who camped overnight.
The couple will be going to Italy in September.

The sun came up and we were able to peer into the Honeymoon suite.
It was so much fun to be with them for days. And it would have continued until the cows came home.

But they did! The herd came in to drain the kiddie pool.

The new family, Mario, Melissa and our newest granddaughter Bella.

"We are living the dream!"

Congratulations to Melissa and Mario. We love you so much. We love our new granddaughter and our in-laws.
Mario, your whole family is delightful and we are pleased to be connected to them.
Thank you to all the family and guests that came to this celebration.
And the Lord is pleased.
"Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." Genesis 2:24
With love, Pete, Ellen and Mandy
Photos from 07-10-2021