Week 746 - Search Me! - 11-29-2020

Search Me!

With 1127 pages on Big Rig Bible and 18,823 photos, finding what you want can be tough. Our new Search page makes its easy, but a little instruction will help. This will be a tutorial with samples that you can try.

Note to all our readers. While Big Rig Bible's focus is RV travel, there is so much useful information for any traveler. Try using our site for your next car or RV trip. You have probably used Trip Advisor and other Internet searches to find places to go. Do that, but also log into our site and search as well. First, we give you lots of photos and descriptions. And unlike other sites, you know us and you can email or call us for more info.

If you don't have a BigRigBible membership, get a Free 1 Month Subscription. If you have or had a membership click on Enter Site. If you don't remember your user name or password, click on the appropriate link.

Let's start the Search tutorial. Click on Search and you will see this page. We'll give samples using each type of search criteria.

We want to find Ocean information for Maryland. We click on the Ocean keyword and the state of Maryland. Then click on Start Search.

The search found four pages that match Ocean and Maryland. You can click on any page to start. We'll click first on page 43 Delmarva Pennisula.

Page 43 appears and we scroll down to Ocean City, Maryland, a beautiful beach town right on the Atlantic Ocean. We then click on Favorite Photos #4

Favorite Photos #4 shows next and has several photos from the Atlantic Ocean. You can continue to click on Previous and Next red links. When finished you can click on New Search. Note that travelogues pages also have a Previous and Next (in blue). Blue links will go sequentially through week by week. Use the red links to stay within your search criteria.

We click on New Search. The next field to learn to use is Search Title. Only use this if you remember the title of a page, such as This will floor you. This is useful to us and will be to you to return to a favorite page. Click Start Search.

This title is unique, thus only one page is returned. We click it and find out how install laminate flooring. Note that the Description field, like Title is seldom used. But had you entered flooring only in the Description field, two pages of flooring would have been returned.

Okay, you want to take a car trip through Wyoming. What is there to see and do? Set the state and search.

This list shows up and we click on 259 Montana and Wyoming to find Devil's Tower and more.

Suppose you are looking for Riverboat photos. First you try to use the Keyword field, but you find Riverboat is not on the list. You best choice is to put riverboat into the Text field. This will search the millions of words in all the pages to find those that match.

From here choose any page and click Next and Previous from there.

So you see that it is simple to search. Just enter a field and search. If you want to narrow the search enter more than one field. The results must match all fields. For example, as of 11-2020, using only Keyword River will yield about 100 pages. Add State Oregon and you will get 17 pages. Add Text Bend and you get only seven.

We hope you enjoy the new Search and if you have any questions or suggestions, please let us know.

This special edition travelogue was brought to you as there is nothing new in our travel.

Love, Pete, Ellen and Mandy

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Matthew 7:7-8

Photos from Nov 2020

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