Week 711 - The Lonely Road Trilogy - 03-29-2020

The Lonely Road Trilogy

Last week we showcased Hwy 50, The Loneliest Road in America. This moniker was meant as a demeaning remark about Nevada's section of the highway. Nevada, however not insulted, grabbed the name and put up signs that proudly proclaim the name.

Our travelogue (Week 709) was about Hwy 70 from Oroville to Sparks, Nevada, a trip of 146 miles.
Week 710, last week, was the 316 mile route from Sparks to Ely, Nevada.
The next day we continued 221 miles to Salina, Utah.
This travelogue, 711, we share the beauty of Utah's Hwy 70, from Salina to Green River, just 107 miles.
All together they make up our Lonely Road Trilogy.

For most of this trip, we don't have photo captions that identify the exact location.

Its between Salina and Green River. Suffice it say that the road is lonely and lovely.

High speed with little to no traffic

And majestic rock views.

This is a rest stop.

Mandy rates it great.

Back to the MotherShip, we realize that a rest stop in Utah would be a park or monument in any other state.

The rock formations just keep on coming.

Ooh, look at all the traffic!

Occaisional greenery gives you a different look.

Toss in a little tan to contrast with the usual red.

Some sage brush for variety.

Ah, back to the familiar red rock.

This dry river obviously once flowed to cut the canyon.

Not a repeat photo, just more of the fabulous rock walls.

Entering the Eastern side of Utah, the terrain flattens out a bit.

Reaching Green River's Shady Acres RV Park, there is enough water to grow trees.

As we sit out the COVID19 virus, we hope we gave you a little diversion during your wait time.

Hey, why don't you reply to this travelogue and give us some diversion. Let us know what you are doing to keep your sanity. Ellen continues to heal, our property is greener and prettier everyday and we are sure our buyer is on their way. To God be the Glory!

With love, Pete <=== 6 feet ===> Ellen <=== 6 feet ===> Mandy

Photos from Oct 2010 and Jul 2012

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