Week 417 - I don't know, what do you want to do? - 08-10-2014

What do you want to do?

Hey Ellen, it August 3rd, what do you want to do?  I don't know, what do you want to do?  Now, don't start that again?  I can't think of anything special can you?

Well, maybe we can't but Melissa does. "Text text, text text, hello".  That's sound like fun, what are we going to do?  How about wine tasting for your wedding anniversary?  Okay! Our entourage appears.

Sarah, our chauffeur, takes the wheel as daughter Melissa navigates. Where are we going?

From Atascadero, north on the 101 to Vineyard Drive and onto South El Pomar to Old Grove Lane in Paso Robles, California.

Still Waters Vineyards!

The tasting room is surrounded by beautiful lawns and flowers.

Sit outside on the barrel bar or on the lawn or head inside.

This couple enjoys their wine out on the lawn.

And here's the newlyweds, just 40 years ago today.

And their chaperones: Ellen's best friend Janet, youngest daughter Melissa Jean and her best friend Sarah Rose.

Still Waters grow grapes for wine and a variety of other vegetables.  You pay for wine tasting but the veggies are for your taking, just leave a tip.  What vegetable is Janet perplexed by? It appears to be upsetting to Melissa. Sarah thinks that's funny.

Janet says "just don't look at it", but that might be too late for Melissa!

So after wine tasting, the girls gather their veggies and we are ready to head home.  What a nice surprise!  Thank you, Melissa, Sarah and Janet.

Mandy plays on the grass!

We weren't going to do anything special. 40 is not that big of a deal. 50, 60 and 70, now that's an anniversary.  See you then.

Love, Pete & Ellen

Photos from Aug 2014

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