Week 379 - South Mountain Phoenix Arizona - 11-17-2013

South Mountain, Phoenix, Arizona

We are in Glendale, a suburb of Phoenix, involved in a SOWER's project. SOWER's is a Christian ministry for RV'ers. A SOWER's project involves the host providing four weeks of "camping" with hookups. The SOWER's volunteers provide three weeks of labor in return. Our host on this project is UIM International. Next week's travelogue will highlight the mission of UIM and our involvement.

This week we visited Phoenix's South Mountain. When you are in the city of Phoenix everything is flat. In the distance, in all directions, are mountains, lots of them. A 25-mile ride from Glendale with get you to South Mountain Park at 2,330 feet in elevation. From Dobbins Lookout, you get a great view of the valley and all the cities.

A stone building provides shade as you enjoy the view.

The Arizona Cardinals football team plays their home games in the University of Phoenix Stadium shown here. This stadium is 25 miles from our camera lens. You can almost read the lettering on the side of the complex.

Metro Phoenix (Valley of the Sun or The Salt Valley) is about 80 miles East to West and 50 miles North to South with a 2010 population of 4,192,887. Much is it is shown below. Our project is at UIM International.

This is our fourth project and by far the nicest accommodations. Mandy is thrilled with eight acres to run free and lots of grass. Next week we'll present a full report on UIM. You can see our other SOWER's projects at:
Indian Hills Camp, Jamal, near San Diego, California
Camp Li-Wa, Fairbanks, Alaska http://bigrigbible.com/WeeklyTravelogues/week148.php 
and Phoenix Christian School http://bigrigbible.com/WeeklyTravelogues/week222-223.php

These projects are work, but great fun and help further the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Be blessed, love, Pete, Ellen and Full-of-Joy Mandy

Photos from Nov 2013

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