Week 369-371 - Parkfield, California, the Kayleen and Jared Wedding - 09-22-2013

Parkfield, California, the Kayleen and Jared Wedding

Our last travelogue left off with Ellen, her Aunt Glo and sisters heading to Texas. This was time alone for Pete and Mandy. Mandy in her favorite place, on the MotherShip's step, poses at the 9-11 memorial at Atascadero's Sunken Gardens.

With Ellen back home, we headed to Parkfield, California, home of the next big earthquake. The town of 18 sits right on the San Andreas fault line.

Jared is Ellen's best friend Janet's son. Since college Jared has been involved with horses and rodeo. While he did not meet his fiancée Kayleen at a western event, she lives on a ranch just north of Parkfield and that was the venue for their wedding. One of the joys of motorhome travel is your ability to move anywhere and stay and assist others in any way possible. We offered to come early and help with set up and the rehearsal dinner. So we powered the MotherShip on the road to nowhere.

After heading down a lane so narrow that we had to pull off the road to pass, we came to the end of the pavement. Mandy motioned that this couldn't be the way. And after approaching these ruts, we had to agree.

With no place to turn around, we backed up the Mothership three quarters of a mile! Thank you Lord that we don't pull a car. Arriving at the 22,000 acre ranch, we were able to find a spot to park for the nights' stay.

Set up on Friday included putting out 400 chairs and decorating the barn. While others did that we headed off to the ranch house to help prepare the rehearsal dinner.

1) On Saturday the big event had arrived. Ellen stands with Janet on her right and Diane. 2) Riley, Janet's great niece was in charge of passing out the day's program.

1) Nathan, Jared's brother is decked out in the theme of the wedding. For many here today, it is not a theme, but their livelihoods, as they are working and/or living on horse and cattle ranches. It was a blessing to witness the faith of this group. 2) Living on a ranch this large is great, but with just a few people, you don't get your own Verizon tower. At a few minutes before "wedding time" an announcement was made to get seated. While not everyone was registered, the bride was coming on time and without phone service, she couldn't be delayed.

So everyone hustled and got seated.

1) Janet beams as son/groom Jared escorts her to the front. 2) Pastor Don and Jared wait for the arrival of the beautiful bride Kayleen.

And here she comes with her father and bride's maids.

Colton and Kelly lead the wedding party down the aisle followed by other couples and the flower girls and helper.

1) Father Kevin brings his lovely daughter to meet Jared. 2) Given away, Kayleen and Jared focus on each other and Pastor Don takes them down the path to matrimony.

The wedding party looks on as . . .

Kayleen's little sister Kara reads the scriptures they chose to bless the marriage.

With vows spoken, rings exchanged, and communion honored, the witnesses were presented with Mr. and Mrs. Jared.

The newlywed couple ride off as the gala celebration begins.

June and Kevin, Kayleen's parents exit followed by Janet, Jared's mom and her husband Brad.

The barn was totally cleaned and decorated by the wedding couple, friends and family. Jared's dad Chris and his wife Laurie enjoy refreshments in what was previously a "cow decorated" muddy mess.

A typical western style menu board let folks know they were in for a treat. 380 guests dined in style at this ranch wedding.

John is his usual straight-laced self as Janice explains to Sandy, "I don't know that man!".

Professional wedding photography, Melissa Jean, gets her photo taken. "Nice nails".

As people got seated, the wedding party was introduced. 1) Brother Nathan puts on a show as 2) Kara and best man Matt enter with grace.

The happy couple is introduced the second time and immediately took to the dance floor.

The little girls croon as they watch Jared and Kayleen "cut a good rug".

Kayleen eyes simply say "I adore you" and Jared's grin answers "right back at you".

1) Janet could not be happier. 2) We had a chance to meet Nomar and Dinah. They run a nursing school in Bakersfield where Kayleen studied and graduated as a nurse.

The dance floor is ready as speeches are given and the cake is to be cut. After 10 hours of taking photos, Melissa takes a little time out of have some fun.

1) All introductions of the wedding party and other announcements were professional and of the highest quality. It came as no surprise when we learned that it was the voice of Andy, one of the radio stars of "Chad and Andy in the Morning". 2) Pete had to wait a while, but got a chance to dance with Kayleen. Her and Jared planned the entire celebration and it ranks as one of the best we have ever witnessed.

We are certain that this Christ-centered couple will live a blessed life and will remain true to their vows.

To Kayleen and Jared: We wish you every happiness and please know that sharing your day brought joy to all the hundreds in attendance.

"The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace." Numbers 6:24-26

With love, Pete and Ellen

Photos from Sep 2013

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