Week 366 - North to Anaheim 3rd Week - 08-18-2013

North to Anaheim Calabasas: 3rd Week

Redding to Reno

This was our plan for the month and how it is working out

Week 1
101 North to Moss LandingGilroy
Hwy 1 to San Francisco
Hwy 1 to Stinson Beach, Fort Bragg and to it's end at LeggettHwy 101 to Leggett, scooter trip to Fort Bragg

Week 2
101 to Eureka
Hwy 299 to Redding
Hwy 5 and 99 to Paradise

Week 3
Visit in Paradise
Hwy 70 to Reno

Week 4
Hwy 395 to Barstow
Hwy 15 to the Los Angeles area
Slug through traffic to Anaheim
After the Anaheim job, to a family wedding in Calabasas
Hwy 395 to the junction of Hwy 108
Hwy 108 to Twain Harte and Modesto
Modesto to Hwy 99 to Chowchilla
Chowchilla to Atascadero

Atasacadero to a family wedding in Calabasas

Week 5
Hwy 101 north to Santa Maria to visit Paul and Judy
Back to SLO North County for the Jarod and Kayleen wedding

Week 1's route got detoured by chickening out on the drive up Hwy 1. Week 2 went as planned. Week 3 looks good, so what happened to the future of Week 4? Let's find out.

We left off traveling with Donnalee to Paradise. We spent a nice afternoon with Emily, Chad, Micah and Zebulun and then Donnalee drove back to Redding. We had a wonderful meal with Chad's parents. The next day we played around the house and in the evening watched the "meteor shower". Even with our great new camera we could not capture a meteor but . . . we had a good time trying.

The next day we got a family photo (Zeb, Chad, Emily, Micah, Mandy, Ellen and Pete) and headed out towards Reno.

This is a example of our favorite day of travel. This is Highway 70 starting at Paradise and ending at the junction of Hwy 395 just north of Reno.

The highway follows the Feather River for much of the way. It is mountainous, well-paved, isolated and beautiful.

Add to that a gorgeous day for traveling at 40 mile per hour with the windows open and stopping often. There are several cool bridges; this auto bridge crosses the river and spans the railroad bridge.

Several tunnels carve their way through the mountains as the road meanders along the Feather River.

More bridges as the road moves from one side of Hwy 70 to the other.

Final moments along the river before the 70 meets the 89 and we leave the water behind.

After the 89 junction the 70 heads south to the town of Quincy. This is Pioneer RV Park in Quincy. We scored a great spot with the grass that Mandy loves, shade from the heat and level pads.

The next day we continued our trip toward Anaheim Calabasas.

The photo below is from BorderTown Casino and RV Park just north of Reno. We came this way to visit our long time friend Bill. Bill used to own a upscale RV Park in Loomis, CA but now resides in Reno.

So what happened to the Anaheim website project? It got postponed, darn! So now what will Pete do for work? Miraculously Bill needed unscheduled analysis and programming. We came for a day and spent four. We were truly blessed; one job gets postponed and another comes the same day. 'The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. Praise the name of the Lord' Job 1:21b. We never lost anything close to what happened to Job but we are thankful for what the Lord does for us.

This park was one of the nicest venues we have had when working with a client. Mandy and Ellen loved the huge grass patio. It was hot but the trees gave nice shade most of the day. Fires in the area north of Auburn did cloud the sky with smoke during the day while providing us with colorful sunsets.

Next week we will make our way home and head down to Calabasas for a relative's wedding.

We are blessed and hope that you are too.

Love, Pete and Ellen

Hmph! They didn't sign this travelogue with my name! No matter, as soon as I get Mom to sleep, I'll write my stuff.

Back to my Senior Portraits. I'm kinda liking this one.

But this one is cute too.

Maybe the bashful look?

Here's my impression of Sylvester the Cat. Let me know which photo you like?

Ha, ha, ha, ha, I crack myself up. Woof!

Photos from Aug 2013

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