Week 159 - Moses Lake WA - 08-30-2009

A week with Moses,

Leaving Ben and Sid at StoneRidge RV and Golf, we were headed to see our friends in Chelan, Washington.  However, the temperatures in Washington are low 90's and high 80's.  Now, the 2006 Monaco Mothership is insulated very well.  But all RVs sitting in the sun get hot.  With temperatures like these you need 50 amps of power to run your air conditioners all day long to keep Pete's office cooler enough to keep him awake during work.

Out intended destination , the gorgeous Beebe Bridge county park in Chelan has only 30 amps.  We tried that last year and at 5 pm running one air conditioner all day long, it was too hot to be inside for more than a few minutes.  All this is to educate you about life in a little box; you need to know this when you travel.

So our location for this week was Sunrise Resort in Moses Lake.  So, not much happened this week but we still got some great photos.

We headed out the back roads from Blanchard through Spokane and on to the Grand Coulee dam.

1) The Grand Coulee dam is massive.  The very popular Hoover Dam is 1,244 feet long.  Coulee is 5,223 feet, just 57 feet short of one mile. It is twice the height of Niagara Falls and contains enough concrete to build a four-foot wide, four-inch deep sidewalk twice around the equator.  2) The space ship on the right is the Grand Coulee Dam visitor center.

Unlike Hoover Dam, the tour at Grand Coulee Dam is free.  Why is Ellen smiling so big? While Pete found the tour very interesting, Ellen is happy because we are just minutes away from the end.  Okay, our tour guide Robert was no Jay Leno!  By the way, there is a Laser Light show after dark but we headed off to Moses Lake.

Roosevelt Lake is backed up by the dam.

We were fortunate to stay on the lake at Spring Canyon.  Here's a tip we have learned over the last three years.  Go the www.ReserveAmerica.com and you find all the government campgrounds.  They will list a maximum length by site number.  The maximum length at all sites at Spring Canyon is listed as 30 feet and the Mothership is 44 long. So how did we stay there?

You cannot reserve online or over the phone.  There is no way of knowing if you can exceed the stated length.  But when you arrive you can perhaps find a site that works.  We got to Spring Canyon at 7:30 pm and found a big, level site with a great view of the lake. Oops, it is only for the disabled.  We might qualify, but did not need to as anyone can take the site for one night after 6:00 pm.  It was an awesome $10.00 stay.

1) The Grand Coulee Dam is one of many dams on the Columbia River.  Water from the dam is also pumped uphill to the 28 mile long Banks Lake. The Banks water is used to irrigate Southeast Washington.  2) South of Banks Lake on Highway 17 is Lenore Lake.  Further South is Soap Lake and then Moses Lake.

Our destination for a week of working is Sunrise Resort in Lake Moses.

Have a blessed week,

Love, Pete and Ellen
Photos from Aug 2009

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