The First Few Months of Motorhome Travel

Don't rush: So many buyers will find this hard to take. You are excited about buying your motorhome and you are running on emotion. No problem, it might work out. But unless you take your time, you may lose a lot of time and money by rushing. Rush into the purchase and you may buy a motorhome that you will soon learn is not what you wanted. Rush into traveling and you may get stuck with a breakdown and end up staying in a motel for weeks waiting for repairs. Take your time!

Have a great attitude: We have met many owners that just complain about everything. You've met people like this. If this is you, change your attitude or don't buy a motorhome. You will have problems. We have had many problems. But we are nice to our dealer, manufacturer and the repair centers we visit. And we have been treated great, 100% of the time. "What goes around, comes around." It is true and it will work for you.

Bring it home and test everything: We bought our MH home in April, 2006 and have never slept in our house since then. We camped in our driveway for four months and took only short trips. We tested everything. We tested the heat pumps in the summer and the generator, even though we had shore power. Stay close to your dealer, test everything and where problems arise, schedule a service appointment.

Load only what you need: When we drove to our dealer and picked up our MH, we took no food, a small bag of clothes, our notebook computer and a few kitchen items that we knew we would need. It was kind of like "roughing it" in the nicest home we have ever had. Once home, we did not "load it up". We only brought things out of the house when we needed them. What was left in the house after three months was sold, given away or taken to the dump. We are thrilled; we still have empty space and try not to fill it.

Schedule manufacturer service: It can take months to get a service appointment. Call your manufacturer fairly soon and make an appointment for repairs, it may be months away. Email them your list of repairs. Keep updating the list, removing items that have been repaired by you or your dealer and adding new ones. Trust us, you will have a nice list by the time your appointment comes up.

Page 2500 last updated or audited on 12-24-2015     By Pete . Ellen Mattson

The Full Time Motorhome Living Guide

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